Soil Media and Plant Nutrition

Our Soil Media and Plant Nutrition services ensure optimal plant growth and sustainability for your project. Biostream will work with you to develop a tailored soil management plan that addresses every stage of the soil lifecycle, from testing to amendment. Our services include:

  • Soil testing and analysis

  • Soil media selection and specification

  • Plant nutrition planning and implementation

  • Soil amendment and remediation

  • Ongoing soil monitoring and maintenance

WSUD Projects

Erosion and Sediment Control (ESC) •

Nursery Industry, QLD and NSW •

Environmental Landscape Maintenance - Brisbane's Southbank and Cultural Centre •

Natural Area Rehabilitation - Land Warfare Centre, Canungra •

Erosion and Sediment Control (ESC) • Nursery Industry, QLD and NSW • Environmental Landscape Maintenance - Brisbane's Southbank and Cultural Centre • Natural Area Rehabilitation - Land Warfare Centre, Canungra •